Mercedes Benz Concept

This is a design concept for the website of the Mercedes Benz brand. I decided to reinvent the entire customer experience as the main look of the website. With this decision, I want to highlight the luxury and premium feeling of the brand and its products without losing attention to customer service and accessibility.

The Homepage

The entire site also contains dark and light sides.

The Individual pages

Each page of the website greets customers with different sliders on the current best topics.

Finding your new Car

Each page is designed to highlight the product itself. The car should be the main focus

It has never been easier to find help in an unknown place.

Find all the answers to your questions in one place.

The mobile Experience

The World of Mercedes Benz just in one Hand.

The best user experience is only available when the design extends beyond everything.

The Homepage and Menus

Get to the topics you need quickly and efficiently and enjoy all the news about your favorite car brand.

The Main Pages

Every single page is optimize for mobile use and accessibility.

Images used found at